Luis S.R. Vas

Showing all 15 books
The man who has struck terror in the hearts of Americans, the man who has dared to take on the might of the greatest super power, remains a mystery and an enigma for the world today! Who is this Osama Bin Laden? Osama Bin Laden is a dissident Saudi businessman who has amassed a fortune in oil and construction business with his family fortune estimated at $5 billion of which he has access to an estimated $300 million. A graduate of Riyadh University's management ...
Creative Ways to Generate Income brings together numerous ideas and a vast amount of information on how to generate income through a part-time or full-time business of your own. The book is divided into three parts. Part I describes how you can generate a wide range of profitable businesses that suit your interests, abilities and temperament. Each business is considered in detail and extensive information is provided which will be useful to you to start and ...
Is it possible to live on sunlight and boiled water and no other food? Practitioners of pranic living assure us that it is possible. The practice is called pranic nourishment and its practitioners claim that in the coming decades it may be the answer to global hunger and malnutrition. Anybody can live on light provided they follow an eight-point plan to change their lifestyle, some of its practitioners maintain. The eight pointes are – meditation, prayer, ...
For thousands of years spiritual seekers, mystics and yogis have realized the innate spiritual quality of the breath. If we stop breathing for just a few minutes we are dead. Life force is therefore contained in the breath we breathe. Yogis for ages have used the powers of breath to transform consciousness; indeed a psycho-spiritual reaction takes place with the use of these breathing techniques. Altered states of awareness and profound healing are possible with ...
This book makes an appraisal of various assessments of, and charges against Jiddu Krishnamurti who was selected to be a Messiah and a world teacher by the Theosophical society. Did he come up to the expectations of the Theosophical society? How original a thinker was he? How great was his impact? How accessible are his teachings? Luis S.R. Vas tries to find answers to these and many other related questions in this book.
Meditation is an ancient religious practice, being routinely prescribed in the modern secular society, not just by spiritual masters, but by behavioural scientists, medical practitioners and business consultants. It has found widely varied applications in religious institutions, medical facilities, educational establishments and business organizations. This is a relatively recent development. Less than half a century ago the word meditation, in the sense it is ...
Meditation is an ancient religious practice, being routinely prescribed in the modern secular society, not just by spiritual masters, but by behavioural scientists, medical practitioners and business consultants. It has found widely varied applications in religious institutions, medical facilities, educational establishments and business organizations. This is a relatively recent development. Less than half a century ago the word meditation, in the sense it is ...
'Business Ideas you can turn into cash' brings you advice from experts in various fields who successfully started their own businesses, sometimes with little cash to begin with and, sometimes, even without an idea. Both ideas and cash can be generated if you have the enthusiasm to cash in on your abilities. You think you have no abilities? Many people who launched successful businesses thought so at first, until they learnt a way to systematically uncover their ...
True, synthetic materials and laboratory-created products and medicines etc., have a significant role to play in the modern life. But at the same time,we cannot underestimate the role of natural products and remedies. With this clear objective, this book incorporates research findings on health, psychology, body-care and spirituality with emphasis on the benefits of natural living. The authors hope the reader will be able to regain natural joy by experimenting ...
This book is a masterly volume providing an overview of the different approaches to healing as propounded by thinkers and researchers over time. For instance Choa Kok Sui, a Philipino, practising Pranic Healing claims to cure illnesses of eye, liver, kidney, heart in a few session through it. Dr. Benedict Lust, the father of Naturopathy believed that man could stay healthy and strong as long as he lived in accordnance with Natural laws. Including these, the book ...
The Panchatantra is a work relevant for all times, whether it is used in a Management Workshop or as a general guide to daily living. Leadership is involved in both. Through a jungle of speaking animals, a sage, Vishnu Sharma, created a storehouse of wisdom in the form of short stories for children as well as adults. These stories, written some 2,000 years ago, came to be known as Panchatantra. The influence of Vishnu Sharma's stories has been vast. By the 3rd ...
Unravelling in the Court of Akbar, the well-known Birbal stories illustrate the minister's sagacity and problem-solving acumen. Today it has become trendy to identify various management and leadership styles with historical and mythical personalities such as Attila the Hun, Winnie the Pooh, Mulla Nasiruddin, Confucius and Jesus Christ, and with philosophical systems and religious books like Zen, Taoism, the Kabballah, the Bible, the Bhagawad Gita and Sufism. ...
How do you achive excellence in a world of growing complexity and rapid technological change? The first step is a desire for excellence. It is the right kind of motivation to achive quality in whatever you do. The fact is that around the world numerous experts and cousultants have combined insights from behavioural science to train people in achieving excellence in various realms. In this book the author Luis S.R.Vas has brought best of ideas & practices that are ...