Showing all 3 books
Vedic textual criticism has not kept equal pace with grammar and exegesis. The two latter disciplines have made ample contributions also towards the restoration of the original text of the Veda with the traditional text as the starting point. But the problem was approached always merely in a casual manner and never figures in the foreground as an object of independent research. The present work is an attempt to remedy this deficiency so far as the Rgveda is ...
The Mahabharata war is specially characterized as a dharmayudda apparently because it was meant to be fought in accordance with certain rules agreed upon by the Kauravas and the Pandavas. An examination of these rules reveals that although some of the rules were observed, others were violated, and the violations were on both sides. Thus, the Mahabharata has really no claims to be called a dharmayudda. In the context of Gita 18.78, the word Yogesvara can only mean ...