M.B. Yelne

Showing all 7 books
This volume incorporates an account of 30 species used in Ayurveda. Like earlier volumes, it presents a brief and concised account of parts used, classical and vernacular names, botanical characters, distribution in India and their important actions and uses, Ayurvedic properties, pharmacognostic characters, chemical constituents, pharmacological activities, toxicology, therapeutic evaluation, trade & commerce, substitutes & adulterants, formulations ...
A good deal of work has been done on medicinal plants during the last few decades in various fields. The researchers as well as other agencies and individuals interested in plant drugs find it difficult to get on the spot information collectively on diverse aspects, as the literature is still scattered. Therefore a need was felt to collect all the information and compile it in form of a publication. This publication, being fourth in the series includes 30 ...
A good deal of work has been done on medicinal plants during the last few decades in various fields. The researchers as well as other agencies and individuals interested in plant drugs find it difficult to get on the spot information collectively on diverse aspects, as the literature is still scattered. Therefore a need was felt to collect all the information and compile it in form of a publication. This publication, being fifth in the series includes 30 ...
This compilation is the first in the series, intended to bring together all the scattered scientific information regarding important actions and uses, Ayurvedic properties, formulations, preparations, therapeutic efficacy, substitutes, adulterants, pharmacognostic characters, chemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological properties, propagation, cultivation, trade and commerce etc. on 40 medicinal plants with coloured photographs and exhaustive ...
A good deal of work has been done on Medicinal Plants during the last few decades in various fields. The researchers as well as other agencies and individuals interested in plant drugs find it difficult to get on the spot information collectively on diverse aspects, as the literature is still scattered. Therefore a need was felt to collect all the informations and compile it in form of a publication. This publication, being second in the series includes 40 ...
This volume incorporates data on 30 species which includes some of the reputed and well investigated medicinal plants like Lashuna, Palandu, Swarnapatri, Kumkuma, Tamalpatra, Kusumbha, Krishnajeeraka etc, besides some under exploited medicinal plants like Saptala, Kaseru, Granthiparni etc. This volume presents a brief and concise account, relevant information and data on all the selected eighteen important aspects of medicinal plants covering required basic ...
Good deal of information and research work has been carried out during the last few decades on various facets of Medicinal Plants. The research scientists, government and non government organizations and individuals interested in plant drugs find it difficult to get on the spot information collectively on diverse aspects of medicinal plants as the literature is widely scattered. A need, therefore, was felt to collect all the information and compile it in the form ...