M. Bavakutty

Showing all 9 books
Library and information science profession has recognized the importance of the application of information technology as well as the need for developing new methods and techniques for the management of information in a technological environment. It is in this context a seminar on ‘Information access, management and exchange in the technological age’ was held at University of Calicut. This book, the outcome of the papers presented in this seminar, contains ...
The libraries and information centres in India are facing unprecedented resource building problems in the recent days. On one side, there is severe fiscal resource crunch while the prices of information sources and services are escalating exponentially. The changing dynamics of information space, the recent developments in the digital world, the revolutionary advancements in computing as well as the communication front, all have direct impact and implications on ...
The Library and Information Science profession is preparing for adapting itself to the new environment created by information technology. Advances in information technology have changed the entire gamut of Library and Information service today. However, some libraries are reluctant to face the challenges posed by the computer age. The present book ‘Organisation of Libraries and Information Centres in 21 Century has given an impetus to the library profession in ...
The libraries have transformed drastically from the storehouses of books to the powerhouses of knowledge and information since the middle of 20th century. The informationand communication technology, which is responsible for this revolution has drastically changed the organization,management and functioning of modern libraries. The very existence of library is fully dependent on the satisfaction of users. Therefore, libraries are now more concerned about the ...
Modern libraries have become more and more aware of the revolutionary impact of developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on their major activities. The application of ICT facilitates to provide pinpointed, expeditious and exhaustive information at the right time to the right user. It provides opportunities for libraries and information centres to widen the scope of their resources and services and to increase their significance within the ...
The modern libraries and library and information science professionals face many challenges in the knowledge society driven by the information technology. It is also true that the emerging knowledge society offers many new opportunities. The information and communication technology has changed the ways in which the information is published, stored, organized retrieved, accessed, communicated and utilized. The library without walls in the form of digital ...
The information search patterns of the users are different depending upon their personal attributes and environment. The main aim of present study is to examine the information search pattern of the science doctoral students in the electronic environment. How researchers search information, the type of information needed, the services they used and their priorities in searching for information are highly relevant, because they provide a basis for reorganizing ...