The composites are well known to mankind since pre-historic period and were practiced as well. But with the development of polymers and polymer science, the concept and technology have undergone sea change in the understanding of the basics like the role of matrix and reinforcement, bonding mechanism, morphological features and environmental effects, etc.
Polymer composites due to their lightweight, chemical and corrosion resistance as well as heterogeneous ...
The Volume consists of twenty three articles and research papers contributed by eminent academicians, administrators and social activits and by young scholars in the filed of Victimology as well. It seeks to facilitate a better understanding of the multi-pronged challenges, needs and strategies for protection of child victims of crime. Various issues on the subject, such as nature and patterns of child victimisation, neglect of child victims of crime, child's ...
This is the first book of its kind on the subject "Health and Law—A Guide for Professionals and Activists". The field of health and the field of law are both vast and highly specialised. Each of these encompasses several special areas. However, both share a common aim in as much as both are ultimately meant for betterment and development of the society. It is this commonality which is the focus of this book. It is focused at three target groups of ...
This volume of fifteen case-studies dealing with several facets of public administration in India marks the continuation of the IIPA’s long-standing practice of publication of case-study volumes. The complexity of Indian reality, the daunting nature of the tasks and challenges facing the Indian administration call for innovative measures. In turn, these pose difficult methodological questions concerning the appropriate modes of comprehension, conceptualization, ...