M. Dinesh Kumar
Showing all 6 books
Managing water resources effectively is one of India’s prime concerns today. This book provides an in-depth analysis of existing methods of water management and highlights the gaps in the use of water in various river basins.
Using illustrative case studies, the author lists major challenges in water management—productivity improvement in key-use sectors, inter-sectoral allocation, trans-boundary resource management, and availability in deficient ...
With urban population increasing by 38.1 million from 2001 to 2011, infrastructure in Indian cities, including water supply, has come under enormous pressure. Urban water management has come to be an important challenge for many developing countries of the world, characterized as they are by high economic growth, rapid urbanization, and unregulated industrialization.
While a range of solutions—from rainwater harvesting to community participation and ...
Groundwater is becoming an increasingly popular resource because of the relative ease and flexibility with which it can be tapped. While developing groundwater resource promises to help alleviate poverty in many areas, the most formidable challenge is its sustainable use and management in regions where it is under threat. The central focus of this book is groundwater management in India: the economies that groundwater generates, the socio-economic impact of its ...