M K Bhasin

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The relationship between human beings and their environment is always dynamic. This assertion requires a systematic study of the changing relationship between the environment and the demographic, adaptive and anthropological structure of human populations. Here, it needs to be emphasized that anthropodemographic studies of Himalayan region are few, and we should develop an integrated approach for a better understanding of the dynamics of interaction between human ...
Ecological problems are to be handled with an integrated approach, for they are intimately connected to the biological endowments as well as to social and cultural characteristics. Adaptation and resource management, for instance, are both biological and cultural issues. The present volume shows the direction to integrated research on environmental topics, and the importance of participation in tribal and peasant development, macro-and micro-environmental ...
Older works in Indian Anthropology essentially were restricted to compilation and descriptive studies of biological and sociological parameters. The present volume gives an overview of existing studies of this type and the application of modern methods of anthropology with the aim of an analysis of causes, and the understanding of the population biology. The book is recommended to geneticists, demographers, biomedical scientists and palaeo-anthropologists whose ...
This volume covers a wide arena, and truly reflects the nature of anthropology as an integrated discipline. An overview of the volume shows that today anthropology is not concerned with the study of primitive and peasent societies but has included in its scope urban and industrial societies. It is equally concerned with the issues of human development and progress and has become far more integrated.
India is a multicultural country. Because of its diversity, it provides an ideal situation for undertaking anthropological works. How communities and populations continue to retain their identity, in social and cultural terms on one hand and biological on the other, and how they acquire the characteristics of the others because of cultural borrowing or interbreeding are the questions anthropologists systematically investigate. India offers an ideal case for ...
It is essential for the law enforcement agencies to identify an individual responsible for a criminal act from among a multitude of people. This is possible only if the law enforcement agency is well equipped with modern laboratories where scientific analysis of physical evidence, recovered from crime scenes is possible. It is not only physical evidence but even trace evidence like strand of fiber or hair or a latent impression of a finger, a washed blood spot, a ...
This volume, edited in honour of Professor Alex F. Roche, comprises, articles written by scholars from all over the world. It reflects the idea that today ecological studies are not only multidisciplinary but also multinational. The volume shows that ecology is the meeting point of different systems, biological, socio-cultural, psychological and this approach can be used for understanding man-environment relationship and also, for resolving ecological crises.
Biological anthropology can be defined as the scientific study of nature-nature relationship, although each element of this interaction, i.e. nature and nurture, can be holistically studied in itself. Thus there is genetical study of a morphological, anatomical or serological trait, and there is also an anthropology of food and nutrition in the orbit of biological anthropology. Disciplines like ecology and demography lie at the interface of cultural and ...
Consisting of twenty three - papaers contributed by faculty members of the Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, this book documents the enourmous diversity and varied aspects of anthropological research in India. Each dealing with a specific domain, these articles are integrated by the fact that they address to the issues and challanges confronting contemporary human populations. Not only does this book mirror the anthropological ...