M K Jain

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The developments in information technology are changing the way people communicate, locate, retrieve and use information. Libraries and information centres have been embracing these challenges posed by this new scenario more profoundly and are using IT services, devices and electronic products. Use of computers, linking with networks and internet, digitization of material and handling audio-visual material etc. are now important components in transforming ...
Some important Jaina Sutras in Prakrit language were translated into English by Prof. Hermann Jacobi, a learned scholar of the West. His translation of Jaina Sutras created a profound influence and interest amongst Western scholars towards Jainism, one of the oldest religious of India. These Sutras originally were edited and published by Prof. (Dr.) F. Max Muller, the renowned Sanskrit scholar and Ideologist at Oxford, a century Age. The present publication ...
Some important Jaina Sutras in Prakrit language were translated into English by Prof. Hermann Jacobi, a learned scholar of the West. His translation of Jaina Sutras created a profound influence and interest amongst Western scholars towards Jainism, one of the oldest religious of India. These Sutras originally were edited and published by Prof. (Dr.) F. Max Muller, the renowned Sanskrit scholar and Indologist at Oxford, a century ago. The present publication ...
Sutrakritnga is the second Anga among the Jaina Canonical Literature and popularity known as a guide for young monks. This Sutra is mainly to fortify the initiated monks against the heretical opinions of alien teachers, to confirm them in the right faith and to lead them to the highest good an ethical values. Besides the refutation of heretical doctrines, this Sutra concentrates in what manner a monk is supposed to lead a holy life overcoming the difficulties ...
This volume is a compilation of such reports from British period to till date. It is divided into five parts -colonial period, From Independence to 1967, 1968 to 1985, 1986 to 1997-98 and 1998 onwards. The book may be useful to students of education, interested in development of elementary education system, but are unable to approach these documents sue to one reason or the other. Utmost care has taken in compiling these selected documents from various sources ...
Acts and Minutes, Dispatches and Commissions but nothing under the banner of policies were landmarks of British education in India resulting the crawled literacy rate of less than 20 percent in 1947. After independence, Government of India articulated the educational policies and in framing these policies various committees and commissions played the advisory role to the government, to achieve the goal of universalization of elementary education also. More than ...
A festival is an event, usually staged by a local community, which centers on some unique aspect of that community. Among many religions, a feast or festival is a set of celebrations in honour of God or Gods. A feast and a festival are historically interchangeable. However, the term "feast" has also entered common secular parlance as a synonym for any large or elaborate meal. When used as in the meaning of a festival, most often refers to a religious ...
The present study 'Sant Kabir' : Life and Philosophy is a unique research publication on the life and teachings of this mystic poet. Today Kabir's eternal Vani and writings are studied in the Indian Universities, Europe, Russia and America etc. Kabir, the Nirguna Bhakti poet of medieval period made a deeper impact on Hindu society. Virtually after the decline of Buddhism, in a predominantly Non-Muslim country like India, the Barbaric Arabs, the Turks and Islamic ...
This volume, 'Eminent Women Politicians', contains biographical sketches, achievements and contributions of 36 women politicians, diplomats, social activists, prime ministers and presidents of America and Europe and various other countries, including Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Biographic narrations of these women reveal that after completing their education in their respective countries, social forces and opportunities compelled them to enter into ...
The present publication 'Eminent Women Administrators' contains brief biographical sketches of nearly 50 powerful women rulers, empresses or queens of the world besides modern age presidents and prime ministers, ministers, chief ministers, diplomats etc. concerned directly or indirectly with governance or administration in a wider sense. While the queens belonged to the Royal families of monarchs and easily got top positions as their hereditary rights or due to ...
This volume, 'Eminent Women Artists', contains brief life sketches, contributions and achievements of 90 leading women artists mostly belonging to America and European countries. In the history of art, the women artists had to struggle hard at a time when in the Medieval and Renaissance period art had been the exclusive domain of men. Women were not encouraged in this field. Though basically female mind had always been imaginative, artistic and creative. There ...
The present volume, Eminent Women Educationists, provides very interesting, informative and inspiring biographical sketches of 109 most talented female researchers, teachers and scholars of eminence who by virtue of possessing academic qualities are remembered and admired by the people. They mostly belonged to the European countries and America. As academicians they earned name and fame in a male dominated social system in the educational sphere. Most of them had ...
This is a very interesting collection of biographical sketches of 'Eminent Women Scientists' from the Western countries and America, who earned world wide fame as distinguished scientists during their life time. The period covered is from Greek Civilization to the Modern Age. The biographical sketches of these ancient, medieval and modern age women scientists and creative personalities show that they were very hard working, intelligent and influential in the ...
The present volume, 'Eminent Women Writers', contains brief and biographical sketches, achievements, and literary contributions of 96 female modern writers, poets, novelists, playwrights and essayists of the world who wrote either in English or their favourite languages. Even original texts and translations of some of these writers in various languages created new literary trends and greatly impressed the world of literature. This volume also throws light on some ...
This volume provides biographic sketches and achievements of 54 'Eminent Women in Sports' from various countries who competed and excelled in different games and sports on national and international scale. In the history of games and sports there was a time when games and sports had been the monopoly of men, and women were either denied or discouraged in this field. But a new era began with the spread of education and technology, awareness and gender equity when ...
The modern age is an era of global women liberation. The present encyclopedia of women (in seven volumes) is an unique and rich collection of biographical sketches, life long struggle, achievements and contributions of selected and talented women educationists, administrators, scientists, politicians, writers, artists and athletes, from Europe, America and Third World Countries who had excelled in their respective fields and earned international acclaim in a ...
Education in deeply rooted in Indian Culture. It was wide spread in Ancient India. Though there has been phenomenal expansion of education after independence yet many are deprived of education, even elementary. Sincere efforts for better infrastructure as well as quality education are being made by all those with a stake in education in India. Many countries of world is looking towards Indian teachers to take up jobs in their countries, the advantage shall be ...
The present publication "Kshatriya's in Buddha's age" is an exhaustive and comprehensive historical account of the powerful and great Kshatriya clans of Buddhistic time including Licchavis, Moriyas, Shakyas, Koliyas, Videhas, Mallas etc. These clans existed and mostly as republics ruled over a vast land in the south of the foothills of Himalayas and the borders of Nepal as well eastern part of India. The first part of the study is devoted to the ...