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Our age is perhaps a flag station in the long journey of time. We are at once situated at the end point of a long past and at the beginning of an enormous future. There is nothing unusual about it expect that we are living in it. We always matter most to ourselves. People are generally confused. They are suffering in silence. They express their anger and dissatisfaction in so many ways but with no strong desire to change the order. Our present hardships would not ...
I am looking forward for those young people who should take initiative and plunge into various positive and constructive activities of their own choice. Odds are heavy but I still hope that they would rise to the occasion. The old and middle-aged people are reluctant to take risks and just pamper their fears. They submit to the traditions. We have to live and act in the present. Here we are not to proceed wrecklessly. We should not permit our conditions to drift. ...
This work in tow volumes is focused on rural life and how to make it worth living in decent manner. Volume one deals with the problem of rural education. It makes indepth analysis of various aspects of education and largely concentrated on how to make rural education meaningful and successful. Next volume deals with the development aspect of rural society. It states that more people live in rural areas than they do in urban settlements, across the globe. Thus ...
Educational institutions represent an important element in the rural community’s social capital. Besides providing for basic education training centres and as centres for development planning in rural areas. Various facets of rural education are analytically discussed in the p[resent book. Students, teachers, educationists and educational administrators besides policy planners and teacher- trainers will find it as most useful and informative.
The present book provides authentic information regarding the current trends and issues in Indian education. The topics discussed are Constitutional Provisions of Education in India; Elementary Education; Educational Development in Five year Plans; Wastage and Stagnation; Kothari Commission; Yashpal Committee; POA 1992; Education for Employment and Social Development and the future of Indian Education Systems. The subject matter of the book, both as regards the ...
The present book aims to familiarize the reader with the most important perennial questions in philosophy of education. It combines both a historical overview of world education and a balanced treatment to leading educational philosophies. It explores the ideas and views of famous Indian and western philosophers, theologians, and educationists with distinctive theories and education and methods of teaching. It emphasizes both the importance of contexts and ...
Teachers in inclusive classrooms regularly face the difficult task of having to modify the curriculum to reach all of their students, many of whom have special needs. There will be different categories of learners with special needs in a classroom including gifted students, students with average abilities and students with disabilities-whether physical, emotional, or cognitive. These different categories of students respond to the curriculum differently. This ...
India is famous for its glorious culture from the time immemorial. A well structured system of education was prevailed in India from the remote past. The rulers of medieval age also encouraged the spread of education. The colonial rulers also enhanced the education system with several policies, programmes and commissions. After independence, the country has built up a very large system of education guided by a process of planning and recommendations of several ...
Millions of people have some type of physical, mental, or emotional condition that significantly limits their ability to function successfully in our society. Students with disabilities show a wide range of differences. Their educational needs are also varied from category to category and also from person to person. So that it is essential that teachers should have special skills and approaches to deal with each category. The system of special education programs ...
Mahatma Gandhi had predicted an almost a century ago unless more than 5 lac villages are developed, India is not going to grow and progress. This prophecy is staring us more than ever before. This profound and scholarly book takes into account the infrastructural development to the rudimentary requirements like market, housing, utilities, health to education. All are interdependent. An essential ready reckoner for the NGOs, corporate rural outreach, policy ...