M.L. Sharma

Showing all 5 books
The four yearly Symposia on Earthquake Engineering (SEE) organised regularly at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (formerly University of Roorkee) since 1959, have been among the most important forums in India for discussions on research and advancements in earthquake engineering. Offering a flavor of the important event, as it proved to be, this publication (in two vols.) compiles the full and illustrated text of over 125 research and scientific ...
This volume, dedicated to Professor H.S. Sharma, provides a cogent account of ongoing research in the field of geomorphology and environmental studies in India. It highlights salient features of geomorphic processes, applied geomorphology, environmental changes, environmental impact, and sustainability, and biodiversity in Indian sub-continent. The research papers of this volume will be of use for earth scientists, geographers and scientists in allied disciplines.
A Proper understanding of the term 'morality', and the function of the school in the transmission, criticism or reformulation of that morality, can only be fully understood by looking at how society as a whole views these matters. Probably the best way of appreciating this is to look at the issue from an historical perspective, and see how different times have viewed 'morality' and 'schooling' and the relationship between them. This book has tended to argue for ...