Showing all 3 books
There are eighteen chapters in the 'Mahasiddhanta' of Aryabhata. In the first chapter which treats of 'Madhyamadhikara', representation of numbers by alphabet is first explained, and then the revolutions and other properties of the planets, and the number of solar and other days in a Kalpa, have been shown. In the eleventh Sloka of this chapter on the revolutions of planets, the numbers of revolutions of the Great Bear and Ayanagraha, ...
There is some reason for fear that the feeling of any one who may examine in detail this edition and translation of Varaha Mihira’s astronomical work will, in the first place, be wonder at the boldness of the editors. I am indeed fully conscious that on the imperfect materials at our disposal an edition in the strict sense of the word cannot be based, and that what we are able to offer at present deserves no other name but that of a first attempt to give ...