Showing all 5 books
The greatness of Arthasastra as a study in statecraft is universally acknowledged. It alongwith Mahabharata, are the two most quoted and cited political texts that have appropriately drawn the attention of indologists. They are true representative treatises in the science and art of polity in the same way as Manu’s Dharmasastra is an exposition of the ethico-legal system. Centered around the study of Kingship or Rajya (state) in its ...
The Welfare state is perhaps the most constructive innovation of modern times, open to continuous revision and keeps alive the spirit of reform by which is was originally prompted. It has been conveniently used to cover a complex of socio-economic-political changes, synonymous with 'freedom from want' 'social' 'security', social justice', 'national insurance', 'equality', 'social' and 'public', services', 'full employment', 'abolition of poverty', and the like. ...
The transformation of controlled economies to market economy system and ushering in an era of financial openness in the wake of economics globalization has not only had a destabilizing effect on national economies, it also has serious implications for social protection and social policy of nations both in advanced industrialized countries as well as in the comparatively poor countries of the developing world. This book reflects upon this phenomenon and is, ...
Indian politics has so far iconoclastically defied all attempts at systematic theorization by scholars Indian and foreign in the changing spectrum of Indian political life. Nothing is more striking than the extraordinary national leadership usually described as ‘Charismaticâ€, which characterizes politics as Indian wine in western bottles. The present book on Indian polity is a product of the confined effort of young research scholars. The uses of specialized ...