This is a case study of Soviet foreign policy towards a Third World regional conflict over the past 40 years, from the Stalin era to the advent of the Gorbachev ear. While dealing at length with the Cold War, d?tente and post-d?tente phases of Soviet involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict, some perennial questions relating to the nature and conduct of Soviet foreign policy have been poignantly addressed. The theme of its progressive de-radicalization and ...
This compact dictionary is a reliable source of basic information on essential political terms and facts. It is hoped this compendium will be useful for both general readers and the students.
This book is an authentic and authoritative introduction to the contemporary political establishment in Iran. It is an interesting as well as enlightening reading. The assumption of political power by the guardian class of radical Mujtahids in 1979 is a unique phenomenon in the entire history of the Muslim world. The book analyzes incisively the political System of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This dictionary containing some 1400 selective entries on a wide range of topics pertaining to national politics, government and administration; international relations, institutions and events; political history, law and jurisprudence, etc. is a rich source of political information. This valuable work of reference deserves to be on the desk of every sensible person who is interested in public affairs. Moreover, it will prove a boon for all candidates who are ...