Showing all 2 books
The different major health problems encountered in day to day life and during the life time of a native have been analysed exhaustively based on detailed individual case studies. How to analyse the oncoming of diseases and reasons based on general astrology and Krishnamurthy padhathi and the planetary significations for each case are detailed.
With the help of stellar astrology (Natal as well as horary) one can pinpoint the diseases of ailments and give guidance ...
Krishnamurthy Paddhathi has been hailed as a better tool in predicting accurately modern day to day events by using the sub lord theory and the number system devised by him.
In the Introductory chapters, a short introduction about the concepts of planets, signs, Houses, etc. from the point of view of Steller astrology based on Krishnamurthi paddhathi has been introduced. Based on Steller astrology as practiced in Krishnamurti Paddhati, the author has tried to ...