M N Velayudhan Pillai

Showing all 24 books
When we think of language and language acquisition, we typically think immediately of the amazing capacity of virtually all human children to acquire and use this facility. Language is almost the quintessential complex problem, the touchtone of much of cognitive science research, whether the discipline involved is psychology, philosophy linguistics or computer science. An understanding of language acquisition can perhaps most productively begin with a high-level ...
There are ten chapters in this book, which are collection of essays on fiction form Indian Writing in English title. The imagery of close observation, the trustworthiness of the senses and the significance of personal eye-witnessing by the curious inquirer frames the rhetoric of darkness and obscurity in the seventeenth-century travelogue. Every travelogue of the period begins with an emphasis on observation and the significance of eye-witnessing. Literature has ...
At the centre of aesthetic theory at the turn of the eighteenth century is the semi-mystical doctrine of the symbol. For romanticism, indeed, the symbol becomes the panacea of all problems. In eighteenth century England, the concept of literature was not confined as it sometimes is today to creative or imaginative writing. It meant the whole body of valued writing in society: philosophy, history, essays and letters as well as poems. Like religion, literature ...
This book titled "Modern Library Services" has been written not for the present generation only, but for the coming generation too. What is modern today, becomes outdated for the next generation. Time is changing very fast. Nowadays, we are talking of digital library and who can predict what is going to happen in 2050?The author tells about the importance of early college libraries, Professor William M. Randall study of library in 1932, Land Grant ...
Reference service is an inevitable part of modern libraries. It was there when we visited our first public library. As for many an institution, familiarity may have led the library profession to take it for granted, assume its benefits and unquestioningly accept its costs. For some practitioners of the reference art, interest in the dismal science of economics and reference service intersect only at the point of arguments for increases to the reference budget. ...
The book entitled Library Administration is a serious and sincere attempt by authors to study and analyse the role of various factors involved in the successful administration of library system. The book explores the personnel management in library services. It highlights the fact that position of the staff in library service is pivotal, in order to deal with the situation of efficient staff, classification of duties in considered crucial for the efficient ...
Cataloguing rules have been defined to allow for consistent cataloguing of various library materials across several persons of a cataloguing team and across time. Users can use them to clarify how to find an entry and how to interpret the data in an entry.The larger a collection, the more elaborate cataloguing rules are needed. Users cannot and do not want to examine hundreds of catalogue entries or even dozens of library items to find the one item they need.The ...
The book critically examines and analyses the various issues and problems associated with digital library and its future prospects in the age of information technology. As a matter of fact, digital library is comprehensive concept applicable to a wide array of digital entitles. Comparatively speaking, digital libraries have the potential to store much more information on account of the fact that it requires very little physical space to contain it while ...
The author tells about research, which are important points when we are finding and using sources of information for our writing. Authors write about citing sources, writing accurate citations, sample documentation styles, tips of documentation, plagiarism and copy right and annotations.Authors described detail information about copyright protection and management systems which is very informative and useful. Software agents for web search systems and online ...
Library and information science is an interdisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries; the collection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information resources; and the political economy of information. Library activities specially related to training in library science started in India during the period of Nalanda and Takshashila. The ...
During pre-independence days, Madan Mohan Malviya, Dr. Radhakrishnan, Jawaharlal Nehru did a lot of contribution to the upliftment of common masses through education and library always play a vital role in achieving these goals.The Cuyahoga County Public Library strives to maintain awareness of and to anticipate shifts in the social scene. Materials are selected to reflect these changes and shifts as well as changes in educational, cultural and intellectual ...
This book will throw light on how we get opportunities offered by internet; problems and limitations of the internet; literature review; internet as a communication device to artist collections management of traditional materials. How we identity and micro valuate, we can understand. To decide about selection, core collection, relationship between collection management of traditional and internet resources, internet and acquisitions, internet cooperative ...
The study of librarianship for public libraries cover issues such as cataloguing, collection development for a diverse community, information literacy, community standards, public services-focused librarianship, serving a diverse community of adults, children and teens, intellectual freedom, censorship and legal and budgeting issues. The search for reliable resources can be both overwhelming and frustrating if students are left on their own in their initial ...
Reference sources for library catalogue and catalogue formats can be understood by reading this book. Classification of library i.e. Dewey decimal classification, Congress classification and reference tools are described by the author. As far as the reference materials in concerned, the readers can get the information on ninth chapter. In author explains about almanacs and yearbooks for reference materials. Dictionaries for references materials and their uses and ...
The book throws light on the recent developments in the electronic delivery of information. Perhaps, some time in the future, books and readings will be the horses of information. Another special characteristic of information is that it is neither scarce nor depleting. In fact, the more people use and manipulate it, the more information there is. The library services as well as their collections must be based upon an understanding of the service community and its ...
Intergovernmental organisations have a key part to play in encouraging the free flow of information between the various countries of the world. Fortunately, national libraries and similar practical institutions had also recognised the need to promote a better flow of information. International library associations should act as a bridge between various types of library and information agencies and should encourage each type of library or information agency to ...
The book explores about nature of cooperation among libraries, administrative issues and benefits of cooperation. The most critical issue in cooperative collection development is the need for continued development and support of collections of the scholarly record for current and future use. The book focus on concrete examples concerning Latin American Studies, explores what cooperation in building collections has achieved and what it might accomplish. Their ...
The formation and use of the traditional library card catalogue illustrate the operation of an informational system. The complexity of any data processing system prohibits analysis, evaluation, and design as a one step process. The book throws light on the evaluation of the efficiency economy, accuracy, productivity and timeliness of existing methods. The librarian familiar with the concepts and techniques of systems study should be able to increase the ...
By embracing automation in the form of computer and telecommunication technologies, libraries are now able to offer services that they were quite unable to offer earlier. Automation has resulted in the abolition of some departments and the down-sizing of others, as well as the emergence of new entities. The technology that has overlaid new prerequisites concepts and skills upon those that have been required for effective use of the print-based library. The ...
The work of ordering books in Indian libraries is at present more difficult than it is elsewhere. It is English and American books that figure most in them. Thus, the chief book-markets are thousand of miles away in far-off London and New York. As a result, Indian libraries are not able to get books on approval or to choose between different editions by actual inspection of books. It is a moot point whether it is advantageous for a library to buy its books ...
Electronic information will continue to garner a sizeable share of the time, attentions and resources of present and future libraries. Today's environment requires substantial investment in technology on a regular basis, which combined with libraries, budget woes, means that smaller firms may not be able to survive. The book explores the problems in fiscal management. The purpose of the accounting system is to assure the proper use of monies provided and to ...