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Economic development involves growth with equity. Equity has several dimensions, such as, interpersonal, inter-group, inter-generational and inter-regional. In a vast country like India regional disparities are quite natural and policies for convergence in the levels of development across regions are therefore necessary. The paths towards this convergence with however have to be region specific as regions have their own peculiarities in terms of location, ...
Being a vast sub-continent, India is well-known for its charm and beauty. Culturally, its contribution is fairly rich not only in Asia, but all over the world. This vast nation is most significant for its pompous, colourful fairs and festivals. Vertually, each city, town and village celebrates its fair with much eclat in which men, women and young boys and girls participate in large numbers. Being a social gathering, normally an annual feature, the people are ...
Bill Gates of Microsoft identified tourism as one of the three major industries of the future. With the projected arrival of 1.6 billion tourists by 2020 generation tourist receipts of US $ 2000 billion, creating one job every 2.5 seconds, tourism, today, had emerged as one of the biggest industries of the future. India offers, as is often said, the ‘World in one Place’ – with tremendous variety that provides everything for everyone. What is the present ...
One Major limitation of the Green Revolution has been its slow diffusin from the regions of its initial success to the rest of the country. For Instance, its High Yielding Variety seeds based new technology is yet to make substantial impact on the predominantly rice growing agriculture of Eastern India. In the state of Assam in this belt, a half of the State Domestic Product still originates in the primary sector. About 70% of the groes cropped area is under ...
Tourism has become the largest industry of the world in the 21st Century. It had phenomenal growth in the later part of the 20th Century and despite the recent temporary impediments, all future projections are very exciting. Tourism offers immense opportunities to the developing countries to fashion their development strategies around it. While tourism thus makes the world a truly global village, such growth also poses various challenges. Countries desiring to ...