Showing all 23 books
Bana's Kadambari is often appointed as a text-book in the Indian Universities, and owing to the peculiar characteristics of its style, the students often find it is a hard task to translate the intricate passages in it, in spite of the help they receive in the class-room from their Professors. Some editors try to satisfy the needs of their readers by issuing voluminous notes, whose very extent, however, frightens away the student; at any rate it becomes a ...
Among the known dramatic composition of ancient India, the Mrichchhakatika occupies a very high and distinguished position. It is a creation of outstanding brilliance. The Mrichchhatika is a drama in ten Acts based on the story of the love of Charudatta, a prominent but poor inhabitant of Ujjayini, and Vasantasena, an exquisitely beautiful but pure-minded courtesan of the city. By virtue of its high dramatic charm and its great literary excellence it has endeared ...
Malavikagnimitram is the first play of Kalidasa composed in five Acts. It is the story of King Agnimitra’s love for Malavika, an unknown beautiful girl living in the royal harem. She was proficient in music and dance. This play is a court comedy of royal love, in which harem jealousies and court intrigues mingle to raise romantic situations of love, amusing scenes of confrontation and a merry, light-hearted air which are thoroughly enjoyable. It is truly the ...
The most important Kavyas of Kalidasa - Raghuvamsa and Kumarasambhava - are distinguished by their independence of treatment and excellence of poetical beauty. The Kumarasambhava varies from the loveliness of spring and the delights of married love to the utter desolation induced by the death of beloved. The subject is unquestionably a daring one; the events which bring about the marriage of Lord Siva to Uma and the birth of Skanda. The prose order of ...
Cosmo Publications are pleased to announce the launching of this series incorporating Classics in the Sanskrit language. A Classic in any subject may fit one or several definitions. It may be a remarkable collection of material that can never be superseded, since it records phenomena that have since vanished. Or, it may be the mirroring of a great mind, a successions of insights that are still valid or thought-provoking. A classing may also be a printed ...
The Dasa-kumara-carita or ‘Adventures of the Ten Princes’, contains stories of common life and reflects a faithful picture of Indian society during the period. The Dasakumaracarita consists of (1) Purvapithika, (2) Dasakumaracarita proper and (3) Uttarpithika. The Purvapithika consists of five Uchchhvasas of which the first one deals with the birth of the ten boys, the second with the Digvijaya of Rajavahana, the third with the adventures of Somadattta and ...
This work aims at teaching the principles of polity guided by morality, presenting them in the agreeable form of stories written mainly in prose interspersed with verse. It belongs to that class of compositions which imparts instructions through fables inspired by the wisdom of its place and time. The work is divided into four books: The book I describes how to win friends. The book II deals with the circumstances leading to the loss of friends. The book III ...
It is a matter of great pleasure and a proud privilege for us to revise the edition of Malavikagnimitram by late M.R. Kale, so as to suit the needs of present day students. Kale's edition, with its scholastic and comprehensive contents has been very useful to students as well as to scholars and teachers and hence the same, in its revised form, is made available, to-day, by us. The English translation, in the present edition, is printed opposite to the ...
The present edition of the Meghaduta has been prepared with particular attention to the wants of University students; at the same time, much that is of interest to the general reader has been inserted. The words giving the prose order to each verse in Mallinathas commentary are printed in the bold type, the compound words not actually given by Malli. being enclosed in rectangular brackets. This will enable the students to find out the prose order and thereby to ...
The Mudrarakshasa, unlike the majority of Sanskrit plays, is purely a political drama. It has for its theme, besides elevation of Chandragupta to the throne of Magadha, winning over the Rakshasa, the hostile minister of the Nanda dynasty to the side of Chandragupta and adoption of measures to strengthen the rule by Chanakya, the renowned politician of his times. In the words of H.H. Wilson: It is a historical or political drama, and represents a curious state of ...
This volume comprises two of the three famous Satakas (collection of one hundred stanzas) of the famous poet philosopher Bhartrhari. The first of them, the Niti Sataka, is proposed to guide people in their daily life and it lays emphasis on the moral virtues such as self-respect, perseverance, benevolence and moral courage etc. The second,Vairagya Sataka, exhorts the readers to turn away from worldly pleasures and seek mental calm in the solitude of the forest. ...
The Pancatantra is a famous literary work of Visnusarman, the Court-Pandit of king Amarasakti of mahilaropya in the south. Originally it was intended by the author to educate the princes of his patron in the science of politics and practical life. The work comprises five Tantras, consisting of stories interspersed with verse which are full of political maxims applicable to exigencies of life. The present edition contains, besides the text, copious notes and ...
This edition of the Svapnavasavadatta is prepared on the same lines as of the other plays edited by me, being based on the printed editions of the same, the best readings being chosen where available. In this an attempt is made to supply the University students with a text-book calculated to meet his usual wants. In the com., necessarily brief, are given the prose order of the slokas, the solutions of the more difficult compounds, derivations of important words, ...
This book is about the description of six seasons by Kalidasa. How the summer season's effect is allayed by women with their love, how the heat of the sun effects travelers, animals and the beauty of the moon in the summer evening depicted beautifully. The joy in rainy season is described by the dance of peacocks, clouds, blossoming flowers, pain of seperation of traveller's wives very beautifully. Full-of-flowers earth, singing of swans, grown up crops, cool ...
This epic poem in Sanskrit text with a literal English translation and copious notes and also commentary Sanjivani of Mallinatha is the only work of Kalidasa which contains a number of references to the geography of India as it was known to him in those days.There exists a large number of commentaries on this poem but none of them is so well-known or so often studied as that of Mallinatha, who enjoys a supreme position as the standard authority in the ...