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Banking sector continues to be a dominant entity in the Indian financial landscape and that is why, its solvency and robustness is all the more significant for the stability of Indian financial system on one hand and also for the economic development of the country on the other hand. Against this backdrop, an attempt has been made through this book to have an analysis on some of the key topics related to the subject such as Indian financial and banking systems ...
Migration means labour migration. It is considered as universal phenomena which accompanies all-round development in general and economic development in particular. This shifting of labour in search of employment opportunities results in congestion and other multidimensional problems concerned with economic, social and political. These problems have given birth to many challenges before the migrants as well as the society and are closely interwoven and have taken ...
The problem of child labour is a global phenomenon. Its prevalence in any form is a curse and at the same time, it is a socio-economic evil. It has become one of the major problems of not only third world countries but of the entire world. Poverty, caste, tradition, size of the family, labour scarcity, wage rate, ignorance, schooling facilities, etc. are the major factors of occurrence of child labour. Various organizations have joined the campaign to stop the ...
Banking system in the country is undergoing momentous change. It is gearing up itself to meet global competitiveness. Indian banking sector comprises of an impressive network of banks, committed to planned economics development within the framework of a mixed economy under a federal political setup. Significant developments have taken place in Indian banking in the post Independence period and especially since the beginning of the reform process in the country. ...
Rural labour comprises persons living or working in rural areas. It constitutes the most marginalized section of our society. More than five decades of development has benefited this section the least. Rural labour in household enterprises, especially female labour has been one of the major victims of modernization as the new industrial products displaced their traditional activities. The problems of rural labour are multi-dimensional and concerned with economic, ...
Labour plays a dual role in rural development as both the beneficiary and a major productive resource of development. The structure, size, quality or type, spatial distribution of the labour force can be important in affecting national aggregate supply potential and national development. Most developing countries are characterized by a rapidly growing population and labour force. Absorbing the growing labour force in productive employment is one of the principal ...