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The book is a study of Muslim ethos as reflected in Urdu literature in North India. Urdu was adopted as a literary language to escape from the domineering and snobbish attitude of non-Indian poets of Persian at the Mughal Court. It was shaped by borrowing the framework and literary traditions of the Persian, sometimes ignoring the local heritage. The responses and reactions of the Urdu literati to the outbreak of 1857 were quite significant. The Aligarh ...
The book unravels the process which the elite leadership of the largest religious minority in India adopted to build its identity. This process had been changing when the elite was in power, the focus was on discouraging liberal religious trends; when out of power, the duty of regaining lost power was emphasized. When the elite proved incompetent to do so, the leaders called upon the Ulama to preserve the integrity of the community. After the foreign imperial ...
The book is a study of the movement of Muslim regeneration started by Sayyid Ahmad Khan after 1858. The movement took a final shape after Sayyid Ahmad's return from England in 1870. The movement has been called the Aligarh movement because its headquarters were established at Aligarh. A study of the movement provides the answer to the question: why did we not develop into a homogeneous nation, and why did the Indian Muslims, generally speaking, support a path ...