Showing all 6 books
Brahmasutra is an ancient treatise on Hindu religious philosophy. Its 555 aphorisms encapsulate the knowledge of the Supreme which is the theme of 108 Upanishads. An understanding of Vedanta philosophy that is the basis of Hinduism is incomplete without a thorough understanding of this valuable scripture.Brahmasutra was composed in the sutra (short and pithy statements) format by Rishi Veda Vyasa; it is therefore difficult to comprehend its purport without an ...
The book "The Holy Vedantic Life" is primarily directed towards the present generation which is not sufficiently equipped to derive benefits from the available texts on Vedanta. The Chapters included explain the basic vocabulary of Vedanta; the relevance of Vedanta in everyday life of a seeker for enlightenment from the standpoints of "Karmayoga" and "Jnanayoga"; the contributions of a few well-known sages; and "control of ...
There are numerous commentaries on the Gita. This book is unique in the sense that it is written by a scientist of Indian origin who teaches in the USA but has a deep interest in Indian religious philosophy. This volume is primarily directed towards readers who are more exposed to science and technology rather than religious philosophy.
This volume is an example of fusion of philosophy and science. It seeks to interpret the concept of religion through the eyes of a scientist. Right at the outset, the author explains that Vedanta is not a religion but a philosophy of religion. A novel feature of this study is the discussion on distress: from spirituality to psychobiology. There is a detailed discussion on different types of stress as well as stress models and therapies, including diagrams of the ...