Showing all 4 books
Transgender studies is the latest area of academic inquiry. "Trans* Wetness: A Burning Issue' includes 34 research papers by many scholars on variety of issues relating to transgender. The burning issue of transgender wellness is increasingly widespread concern for universal respect and observance of their rights. This book combines an accessible portrait of transgenderism and its social. psychological and legal processes. This volume is an outcome of an ...
The book is analytical and examines various aspects of Human Rights. The articles in this volume have given due importance to the core areas of Human Rights - Child rights, Women rights, Role of NGOs in Protecting Human rights, Prisoners' rights, Rights of Labourers and Human Rights in India. This book is indispensable for students, scholars, NGOs, Journalists and policy makers.
Contents: 1. Women, work, exploitation and health status: a human rights ...
The articles in this volume is a storehouse of valuable information about the state of Transgender Rights. Some of the core chapters of the book are: Problems of Transgender, Social exclusion of Transgender, Welfare Policies and Programmes for Transgender, Implications of Social Outlook on Transgender Community, LGBTISM in India and Need for Legal Protection through Special Law. Factual, objective and analytical, the book is highly readable.