M.U. Qureshi

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Indian society has various problems to cope with. The major problems include, grave population explosion, poverty, unemployment, caste system, corruption, ethnic tensions, and social mobility. The sociologists and academicians have the responsibility of seeking solutions to these problems. And for that they need authentic and comprehensive knowledge of the discipline. This book gives categorical account of these, as such a sincere effort in this direction.
Islam is not for a certain period. It's for all times. It is a scientific and progressive religion. So, it has to play a vital role in the modern world. In fact, Islam has influenced the world civilization in a big way. Similarly, in the changed circumstances, Islam has to contribute to the evolution of the new global civilization of the modern age. This study explores all possibilities of Islam's active involvement in the making of new world order and also ...
Geography has a longer genealogy than any other science. In the ancient period, geography grew out of explorations, mapping of the areas known and speculation about the material collected. Though the development, diffusion and spread of geographical knowledge during prehistoric periods, can not be ascertained. However there is a consensus that all civilizations contributed to the development of geographical concepts. The present work on Geographical thought is ...
Vision, thinking strategically, building and changing corporate culture, down sizing, and total quality of an intiative are variety of efforts being made to cope with the competitive environment in the new world order. This book gives a vivid account of various theories and practices of modern management. The entire information is organized under fourteen chapters.
The new media has an unprecedented impact on education. The information in a remote corner of the world can be gathered at the click of a mouse. Now, Media has grown into a big industry which can employ a large number of educated, skilled and semi-skilled people. As the educational planning takes new dimensions, the significance of media also keeps growing. In this modern age, educational planning without media’s participation would prove to be an imposing ...
Every society is infested with varied problems. Social problems are perpetual in nature. With the passage of time new problems arise. A such study of social problems and welfare measures to curb these is of prime importance. The state tries to find solutions to these and ensures welfare measures for its citizens. This work, in ten volumes, gives a categorical account of all pertinent issues in social problems and social welfare.
In all societies, to a greater or lesser degree women and girls are subjected to physical, sexual and psychological abuse that cuts across lines of income, class and culture. The violence may be occurring in the family, within the general community, or perpetrated or condoned by the state. Battering, dowry-related violence, marital rape, sexual harassment, intimidation at work, trafficking in women and forced prostitution etc. are the crimes against women. This ...