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The Department of Guru Nanak Studies was converted into a teaching department in 1982. Thereafter, research unfortunately stood relegated to the background, so that we were not able to project the life and teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and their cultural and religious impact in the context of Indian and World civilizations-a statutory obligation (vide Sub clause 2, Article 4 of Guru Nanak Dev University Act, 1969). With a view to boost research, the University ...
Harimandir, which is also reverentially called Darbar Sahib and Golden Temple is the nerve center of Sikh community. The history of the Harimandir is in fact the history of the community and its faith. Foundation of Harimandir has been the greatest hallmark in the development of the Sikh movement. Sikhs were divinely bestowed with a place of pilgrimage. Concept of the Guru was added to by the concept of Gurdwara. Gurbani, Gursikh, Guru Panth and Gurmata ...
An engrossing fare of folk-tales reflecting the wonder and mystery of life, the joy and struggle for existence and the interplay of fundamental emotions.The culture of a region, the worldview and collective experiences of its people find various modes of transmission from one generation onto the next. The recounting of myths, legends and tales constitute a part of a glorious tradition. It could be a wandering minstrel, a professional storyteller or a fond ...