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Indian temples have been a source of attraction, not only as a place of worship for the devout, but also as an architectural marvel for the curious tourist. Indian temples with its imposing towers, intricate carvings and awe inspiring size were in fact the result of a gradual evolution over time. In the Vedic period (1500 to 500 BC) there were actually no temples as such. They propitiated the Gods by performing yagas using sacrificial altars. Details of how such ...
The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the student will find no difficulty of understand it. The proofs of various theories and examples have been given in minute details. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and large number of solved examples sufficient problems have also been selected from various Indian Universities and competitive examination.
This book of Integral Calculus has been written to meet the requirements of students of Indian universities. The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the student will find no difficulty to understand it. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and large number of solved examples. Sufficient problems have also been selected from various universities and competitive examinations.
The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the students will find no difficulty to understand it. The proof of various theorem has been given with minute details. The book contain large number of selected examples. Most of the question given in the book have been selected from various university examination papers and the book covers the syllabi of almost all the universities.