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Water is at once the most ordinary and the most extraordinary substance because, without it, nothing else survives. Today, global pressures on freshwater raise the specter of pollution scares, irrigation shortages, rivers so massively dammed and diverted that they do not reach the sea, even of ‘water wars’ over dwindling supplies. This No-Nonsense Guide examines the world water crisis in its many dimensions, not least the re3cent tendency to try and manage ...
Building dams in India, planting trees in Burkina Faso, rescuing street children in Brazil- these are images of aid and international development with which we can all identify. What few people realize is that the terms 'overseas aid' and 'international development' mask confusion, contradiction, and even downright deceit. All too often what passes for development improves life for the better-of, while actively hurting the very people the venture ...
At a time when India faces serious problems of freshwater scarcity, groundwater depletion, and environmental pollution, there is much to be learnt from current and past experiences. This book examines critically what has been done and needs to be done to fulfill the promise of `drinking water and sanitation for all'. The central theme is Unicef's 35-year programme of support to rural water supplies in India--the largest and longest in the organization's history-- ...