Mahavir Singh

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The present volume contains thirty essays in honour of Prof. Devendra Kaushik, well-known Indian scholar, widely acclaimed as a doyen of Central Asian and Russian studies in India, to mark his 70 birthday. Besides nine contributions from distinguished Indian scholars, the volume also includes twenty-two highly stimulating, well-researched papers by renowned academics, diplomats, public figures and strategic analysts drawn from the three major components of the ...
Central Asian region, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Srilanka, Mangolia and India and a wide range of issues pertaining to geo-politics of the region, socio-cultural contacts to globalisation are covered in this second issue of Asia Annual. Besides fifteen well researched articles by specialists of the respective areas, a summary of events for the year 2000 and the text of three important declarations of the year are added for the ready reference of the readers.
The Asia Annual is the cross-disciplinary journal of the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata. The Institute is a centre for research and learning with focus on social, cultural, economic and political/administrative developments in Asia, from the middle of the nineteenth century onwards with special emphasis on their links with India and on the life and works of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The current issue, which is third in succession, ...
The present work is a pioneering effort to bridge to some extent, the gap that exists in Library and information Science due to scarcity of empirical research. The study has been undertaken to measure the level of job involvement of library professionals working in Social Science Libraries. It also endeavours to examine the relationship between job involvement and some demographic, and organizational factors.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad ranks together with Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru as one of the foremost leaders of the Indian National Movement. An erudite scholar of Islamic theology, he had a strong intellectual bent of mind and an inborn flair for literary writing. Making his debut on the Indian political scene as a young journalist with strong Pan-Islamist views, Azad grew over the years into a front-rank Indian nationalist who steered the destiny of the ...
Migrations both trans-national and within the national territory have played a key role in shaping both the global and national and/or multi-national communities. The present volume is a collection of thirteen scholarly papers presented at a national seminar on internal migration in India held under the auspices of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies during 16-17 December, 2002 at Kolkata. In these papers distinguished scholars who are specialists ...
The Asia Annual is the cross-disciplinary Journal of the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian studies, Kolkata. The current volume the fifth in succession, contains twenty one well-researched articles, authored by eminent scholars from India and abroad, are devoted to security and cooperation in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, new International political and economic order, multi-polarisation, bilateral relation perspective on Asia, possibilities for ...
The contributions contained in the volume examine and discuss the problems and prospects of building a new Asia through cooperation in the field of security and development at both regional and Pan-Asian levels. Besides, delineating the contours of the changing dynamics of regionalism and regional cooperation in the various regions of the vast Asian continent, an abode for more than half of humankind, representing a wide spectrum of religion-cultural and ethnic ...
The disintegration of former USSR and the subsequent emergence of independent Central Asian Republics, changed the balance of power in this region. Due to its geographical proximity to China, Russia, West Asia and South Asia, this region emerged as a distinct geopolitical entity stimulating global attention and interest. These republics which passed through a delicate stage of transformation into a new political, social and economic order, have successfully ...
Migration in the history of mankind is a phenomenon of great interest to sociologists, anthropologists, economists and historians. This book deals with various forms of migration in South India with focus on rural to rural migration. Peasant migration from Travancore to the British Malabar started in the 1920s is a typical case of migration to rural areas in search of cultivable lands. Despite the differences in the nature of migration, the volume explicates that ...
Asia Annual is a cross-disciplinary Journal of the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata and this sixth volume of the series contains eleven well-researched articles authored by eminent scholars from India and abroad. The focus of contents is on India's partition; Political economy of the Asian states; India-Russia-China Trilateral cooperation; Emerging strategic partnership between India and the united States of America; Ethnic issue ...
Panchsheel the five principles of peaceful co-existence caught the imagination of the people not only in Asia but the world when an intense ideological conflict was fanned through pursuit of the Cold War. Panchsheel is the light that leads nations ‘through the engulfing gloom’ for euthanasia prone warring and mutually suspicious nations. Scholars have made their contribution in this, hailing Panchsheel as the updated version of ‘Tamso-ma-Jyotirgamya’ from ...