Showing all 4 books
Dalits or the downtrodden are the weakest among the weaker sections of our society. For thousands of years, their condition has been unchanged, to a great extent, despite all progress and development at various levels. In our social fabric, for centuries, the caste identities have surfaced as an important force in contemporary politics. These inequalities and exploitation by the society at large, encouraged by our ancient caste system, needs to be eradicated. ...
This book is an enlarged, improved and edited form of Dr. Mahendra Singh’s lectures on Carcinosinum at National Institute of Homoeopathy. The chapter on History has been rewritten and its footnotes enlarged and recasted. Symptomatology has been enlarged and more remedies have been included in the portion of comparison. The Repertory and case-reports are new additions. Also, has a chapter on spread of homoeopathy in India by Dr. B.K. Sarkar. Bibliography of the ...