Mahendra Kulasrestha

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It is well known that the first presenter of Indian Culture in the West was Swami Vivekananda, who took the world by storm while appearing at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. He became a rage in America, delivering lectures and talks on various aspects of Indian Philosophy and culture. This included his exposition in quite some detail of the theory and practice of Rajayoga- or Yoga as Popularly known-, which turned out to be a matter of great ...
Contents: Vol. 1. Tathagata: Life of Lord Buddha; Vol. 2. Dhamma: Teachings of Lord Buddha; Vol. 3. Image: The Glory of Buddhist Art; Vol. 4. Jataka: Stories of Lord Buddha's Births from Dipankara Buddha to Gotama Buddha; Vol. 5. Spread: Buddha in Asia; Vol. 6. Pilgrims: Long Walkers.
India’s awakening in modern times started in nineteenth century and with Swami Vivekananda’s appearance in 1893 at the Parliament of Religious in Chicago, it started influencing in west. Though quite young, the mesmerized America and Europe and walked as a colossus wherever he went. He impressed giants like Max Muller, Paul Deussen and Romail Rolland, taught Yoga and gave call to develop a world religion. His mission was essentially a revolution, ...
The Hindu being one of the most ancient cultures in the world, its religion and mythology are not only immense but highly varied, colourful and interesting. The religion was not limited to one or two books, but many and many more, which included the bulky Puranas, an unlimited storehouse of all kinds of fables, legend and essentially history-based stories.
These materials are important because they have given shape to their society’s culture. Not only the ...
The Bhagavadgita forms a part of the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and consists of 700 verses. It is a dialogue between Arjuna, one of the five Pandavas, and Lord Krishna, who acts as his charioteer. While his armies are arraigned against the armies of the Kauravas, the adversaries of the Pandavas, he falters and asks Krishna how he could kill his own kith and kin and whether such a battle was worthwhile at all. Lord Krishna in this long dialogue gives him ...
According to Prof. A.L. Basham's celebrated The Wonder That Was India- The Regveda is the oldest religious text in the world. It is a collection of hymns for use at the Yajnas, sacrifices, of the Aryans. The Sama Veda is a collection of certain verses of the Rigveda arranged for liturgical purposes. The Yajur Veda contains sacrificial formulae to be pronounced by the priest during the Yajna. The Atharva Veda consists chiefly of magic spells and incantations, but ...
The Ramayana is a rare Indian epic which is an integral part of the life of this vast country, which despite its uncertain historicity, has a variety of versions in various religious traditions. Dashratha may have been a minor chief who lived in the 7th or 8th centuries B.C., whose life was by chance remembered and, perhaps because of the basic qualities of Rama, his brothers and wife Sita, was elaborated by bards until it acquired the present form, which goes ...
‘The Mahabharata’ as it survives today is among the longest singly poems in Sanskrit. The main action revolves around what has become famous as the contest between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, and is set in the fertile and strategic region around Delhi. Originally it may have been the description of a more localized fued, but it caught the imagination of the bards and in its final form virtually all the clans and peoples known to the bards were said to have ...
The Golden Books series of Indian religions is specially planned and designed for the general educated reader in India and abroad, who in the 21st century of the Third Millennium, wants to know about them to contribute his lot to the fast growing globalisation of world cultures. It includes Vedic, Upanishadic, Buddhistic and Jain religions, the mainstay of Indian culture, which have made their mark in various ways in Asia and the West Sincer olden times. In Asia ...
India’s culture is braod and many-sided and, though encyclopaedic works are available on the subject, no book of a medium size has been there for the general intelligent reader: The present work was planned and published several years ago during the Tagore Centenary Year; which made a part of the Tagore Centenary Volume, consisting of another work on Rabindra Nath Tagore. Published under the ‘Woolner Indological Series’ of the famous V.V. Research ...
The Golden Books series of Indian religions is specially planned and designed for the general educated reader in India and abroad, who in the 21st century of the Third Millennium, wants to know about them to contribute his lot to the fast growing globalisation of world cultures. It includes Vedic, Upanishadic, Buddhistic and Jain religions, the mainstay of Indian culture, which have made their mark in various ways in Asia and the West Sincer olden times. In Asia ...
The Golden Books series of Indian religions is specially planned and designed for the general educated reader in India and abroad, who in the 21st century of the Third Millennium, wants to know about them to contribute his lot to the fast growing globalisation of world cultures. It includes Vedic, Upanishadic, Buddhistic and Jain religions, the mainstay of Indian culture, which have made their mark in various ways in Asia and the West Since olden times. In Asia ...
The Golden Books series of Indian religions is specially planned and designed for the general educated reader in India and abroad, who in the 21st century of the Third Millennium, wants to know about them to contribute his lot to the fast growing globalisation of world cultures. It includes Vedic, Upanishadic, Buddhistic and Jain religions, the mainstay of Indian culture, which have made their mark in various ways in Asia and the West Since olden times. In Asia ...