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Social science is the group of disciplines and methods which helps us to understand the people and the societies in which they live. It is constantly developing new ways of thinking about the world. Some of its methodology is highly quantitative while some is qualitative but still rigorous. It provides the research findings we need to promote social cohesion within global societies. It is of particular relevance to the world in its current era of accomplished and ...
Whether social problems emerge as issues of social justice or social order,they are usually associated with the idea that 'something must be done'. Social problems represent conditions that should not be allowed to continue because they are perceived to be problems for society, requiring society to react to them and find remedies. The range of possible public responses is, of course, very wide.This book tackles some of the current issues in social science in an ...
All humans are born into a society of one form or another, and live within society, but their view is usually just that of their immediate surroundings, and their intellectual understanding of the society they live in is usually derived from what they read in the newspapers. Social science may be defined as the rational and systematic study of human society in all its forms with the aim of arriving at an enduring understanding, acknowledged as such by a broad ...
The social sciences are a group of academic disciplines that study human aspects of the world. They diverge from the arts and humanities in that the social sciences tend to emphasize the use of the scientific method in the study of humanity, including quantitative and qualitative methods. The ideas that social sciences use developed historically and it helps us to understand what the social sciences are if we study where they come from.The present volume aims to ...
Social research refers to the research conducted by social scientists within disciplines such as sociology, social psychology, social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology and education. Sociologists study diverse things: from census data on hundreds of thousands of human beings, through the in-depth analysis of the life of a single important person to monitoring what is happening on a street today or what was happening a few hundred ...
Social research involves the interaction between ideas and evidence. Ideas help social researchers make sense of evidence, and researchers use evidence to extend, revise and test ideas. Social research thus attempts to create or validate theories through data collection and data analysis, and its goal in exploration, description and explanation. It should never lead or be mistaken with philosophy or belief. This book aims to provide an accessible, ...
The social sciences are about people, how they act individually and how they act collectively. Generally, the fields of sociology, anthropology, economics, social science, psychology, political science, education and history are grouped into the broader academic area referred to as the social sciences.The social sciences share many social theory perspectives and research methods. Theory perspectives include various types of critical theory, dialectical ...
This book seeks to provide the reader with a critical overview of the theories and practices in social science research. It examines different ontological positions; positivist, rational choice, interpretivist and post-modern epistemologies; area studies and comparative approaches; and interdisciplinary, qualitative and quantitative methodologies.The contents of the book will help to widen and deepen students' understanding of the theory and practice of social ...
Statistics and statistical analyses have become a key feature of contemporary social science. Statistics is and has been perhaps most important in economics and psychology that have incorporated and relied primarily on statistical analyses as a method of argument for decades. Recently, the use of advanced statistical analyses have become popular among the "soft" social sciences such as political science, sociology and anthropology. The use of statistics ...