Mahesh Kumar

29 books
This book will provide an exposure to recent developments in the field of geostatistical modeling, spatial variability of soil resources, and preparation of digital soil maps using R and GIS and potential application of it in agricultural resource management. Specifically following major areas are covered in the book.
The Delhi Sultanate was a Delhi-based Muslim Turkic kingdom that ruled over large parts of India for 320 years (1206-1526). Five dynasties uuled over Delhi Sultanate sequentially, the first four of which were of Turkic origin and the last was the Afghan Lodi. The Lodi dynasty was resplaced by the Mughal dynasty. The five dynasties were the Mamluk dynasty (1206-90); the Khilji dynasty (1290-1320); the Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1414); the Sayyid dynasty (1414-15); and ...
In to-day's 'hi-tech' competitive world of real business, Accounting and Auditing have assumed critical significance. The venture has been designed to meet a long felt needs. It provides a comprehensive material on the subject. The volume is a compendium of papers contributed by the distinguished personalities, researchers academicians, consultants and so on. The volume focuses upon the given below aspects:-Social Accounting in Public Undertakings, Cost ...
The seed industry has a twofold responsibility in the area of seed health: to deliver sufficiently healthy seed to farmers and seed producers, and to respect international phytosanitary regulations. Seeds are the foundation to crop production and seed health is related to food production in various ways. Of particular concern to the seed industry is seed used for sowing. Seed health standard is the maximum acceptable limit of the presence of a given parthogen in ...