Mahesh V Joshi
Showing all 9 books
It is believed that, we have achieved Green Revolution and White Revolution during planning era. This is a time of Blue-Revolution. In this context, there is very much importance of Economics of Fisheries which is concentrated in the different aspects and issues.
Changes in production and productivity in agriculture has well known as Green Revolution. This study examines the emerging trends in rural income and employment generation in the farm sector in the context of new technology. An attempt has been made to examine the various impacts of green revolution with special context to Saurashtra region of the Gujarat state. This is a best combination of theoritical farm analysis with empirical study. In this book we review ...
This book is trying to throw the light on various pollution problems, its causes and remedies etc. In this book we have discussed urbanization and industrialization as a main cause of pollution problems. We have separately discussed the air pollution, water pollution, land pollution and noise pollution. We analyzed the importance of forests and various forest policies of the Government. We have also explains the Gandhian Views on Environment and Environmental ...
The mainstream economics has totally failed in solving concurrent economic issues of the countries of the world in general and under-development countries in specific. There is no proper economic policy which can solve these problems. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization lead new economics policy creates more complicated and serious problems. In this context there is an urgent need to search new Economics for new Economic Theory and Policy ...
This is an age of Globalization. Only successful entrepreneur can play an important part in the world market. It is not true that entrepreneur is born and not made. At present, entrepreneur is made not born. For this there is an urgent need to highlight the basic elements of entrepreneurship. This book is trying to throw the light on the ways and means of successful entrepreneurship. For this we have deeply analyzed the basic elements of entrepreneurship. In this ...
Micro Economics is fundamental and main subject in literature of economics. This book have modern higher advanced analyses in the context of twenty first century. This age is age of Globalization. The success of globalization is also depend upon management. This book is presented in various descriptive and analytical chapters. In the beginning we have discussed, the basic elements and tools and techniques of Micro Economics. In the later chapters we have ...
"During the plan period we achieve "Green-Revolution" in agriculture. But the benefits of "Green-Revolution" are not reached upto agricultural labourers. They get unusually low wages with irregular and insufficient employment which put an excessive burden on them. The problems of agricultural labourers are serious but the problems of female farm workers are more serious. Their economic and social condition is pitiable. They are prone to ...
Concrete is second only to water as the most consumed substance on earth, with nearly three tons used annually for each person on the planet. Cement is the critical ingredient in concrete, locking together the sand and gravel constituents in an inert matrix. It is therefore a critical part of meeting society's needs for housing and basic infrastructure such as bridges, roads, water treatment facilities, schools and hospitals. Cement, like steel is one of the ...