Showing all 4 books
The papers in this volume reflect the refinement of theoretical approaches in many ways. They exemplify both the advances in feminist theory, especially with regard to notions of and interconnections between gender, male power and ideology, and the course of women's movements in the third world. An important theoretical contribution of the third world scholars--unlike western theory which ignored imperialism--has been the examination of changes in gender ...
State, Markets and Inequalities fills a major gap in the study of human development in India by addressing the role of social sector planning in alleviating deprivation. It highlights the extent of deprivations across states and amongst social groups. It also analyses the causes-inadequate allocations, wrong prioritization, bad targeting, unimaginative design and insensitive delivery. Is there a mismatch between supply and demand? Is there an ...
Agriculture in India is in crisis with the out-migration of men from farming to towns, cities or other rural areas in search of work, leaving the running of farms to women. The resulting 'feminization' has ominous implications for food security and rural livelihoods. Women seem to be in a no-win situation where work burdens and responsibilities have inclusive without enhancement of productivity or earnings. While the economic importance of land has declined (its ...