Showing all 2 books
The book entitled Priyamsudarpanah comprise article dedicated to the hallowed memory of late Dr.Priyangshuprabal Upadhyaya. He was a Sanshrit scholar of repute and a man of wisdom, hailing from Dibrugarh, Assam. For about twenty years (1972-1994) he served the Department of Sanskrit, Gauhati University as a reputed teacher of Darsanasastra.
Priyamsudarpanah is made up of two part. In the rst part the reader will find articles and Prasastis written in memory of ...
As indicated by its very name the book contains topics dealing with facets of the pre-historic civilization of Vedic India. In this book in eighteen articles attempts have been made to throw some light on various aspects of Vedic concept of god, the birth of mythology in the hymn poetry, characteristics of the Vedic language, the outlook of the Vedic seers on life and death, the social values of the Vedic Aryans, their ecological ideas etc.Attempts have also been ...