Majid Husain

Showing all 16 books
World Geography, 5th edition provides a coherent and organized geography of the world as we now know it. It studies how people are distributed over the earth, how they make their living from it, and how they transform it.
Since the publication of the last edition of this book, significant changes have occurred in the socio-economic and demographic scenario of countries across the world. In the light of the changing socio-political landscape, the book has been ...
Evolution of Geographical Thought covers a wide canvas of the story of geographical thoughts, ideas and knowledge right from the early Greek period to modern contemporary geography. Presenting an introduction to the philosophy, history and methodology of geography, the book maps the intellectual changes in the discipline over the years.
To keep the students abreast with the recent trends in geography, and its methodological problems, the book has been updated and ...
"The systematic branch of geography which deals with man’s culturally determined activities and especially with the differential impact of culture groups on the exploitation, form and personality of landscape.
"Based on eleven research papers the present book exposes the scope of cultural geography in the first chapter. The cultural geography and global problems have been examined in the second chapter. The subsequent chapters present an account ...
Man has been interacting with his physical environment right from the primeval stage of human development and continues to do so with greater vigour due to his enormous needs and technological advancement. In reality, people in their increasing numbers and growing technological skills have placed their marks upon the natural landscape, transforming the physical surroundings to conform their needs. In some cases like mega-cities and modern towns, the human ...
North East India, comprising the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura has a unique physical personality, characterised with great ethnic and cultural diversity. Despite fifty years of Independence, it is surprising that not even a single comprehensive account of this geo-politically important region is available. Based on seven volumes, one for each state, the Encyclopaedia of North East India deals with the ...
Human Geography, which now runs into the Third Edition, is a core textbook for geography students at the university level. It is mainly designed to introduce the discipline to the students in a social science perspective, and also to identify the human problems and the role of man in shaping the face of the earth.
One of the distinguishing features of the book is that it covers the wide canvas of Human Geography covering the cultural, historical, political, ...
Physical geography deals with the spatial and temporal characteristics and relationships of all phenomena within the physical environment of the earth. A systematic study of physical geography is of immense help in understanding the numerous environmental challenges of the contemporary period. Earth is a place of great physical and cultural diversity, yet people know little about it. The book is aimed to explain the spatial dimensions of the earth’s natural ...
Models in geography aims at presenting the important models and theories in human geography at one place in a concise and cogent manner. These include System Analysis, Malthusian, Marxian and Demographic Transitional Models, Central Place Theory of Christaller and Losch, von Thunen Model of Agricultural Land Use. Weber's Theory of Industrial Location, Rostow's Stages of growth, heartland and Rimland Theories, and Laws of International Boundaries and Frontiers. ...