Malashri Lal

Showing all 8 books
It is not very often that a book tries to break disciplinary boundaries with courage and acumen. This book Gender and Diversity: India, Canada and Beyond, confronts conventions, challenges definitions, offers new vocabulary and questions comforting platitudes. Comparing India and Canada, the essays suggest new ways of thinking about the issue of Gender and Diversity in multiple contexts. India and Canada provide a range of comparative paradigms even when they are ...
Sita is one of the defining figures of Indian womanhood, yet there is no single version of her story. Different accounts coexist in myth, literature and folktale. Canonical texts deify Sita while regional variations humanize her. Folk songs and ballads connect her timeless predicament to the daily lives of rural women. Modern-day women continue to see themselves reflected in films, serials and soap operas based on Sita's narrative.Sacrifice, self-denial and ...
The Discipline of "Women's Studies" has yet to establish firm roots in Indian academia. What causes an apparent mismatch between a recognised need to systematize an approach to social development and the actualisation of that need in pedagogical practice? In the context of Indian universities in particular, such queries are crucial. To advocate its strengths, Women'sStudies needs the mechanisms of institutionalisation. Materials production is a ...
"This book studies the impact of literacy programmes in rural communities of the Jaipur district of Rajasthan. In particular, the authors address the issues of female empowerment, human rights and dignity within a contextualised framework. Local responses to innovative literacy programmes launched by Lok Jumbish, Women's Development Project, Sandhan, Vishakha, State IDARA, IEC and other agencies are examined. The analysis also takes note of research ...
Social scientists have identified how the four crucial institutions--the state, the market, the community/civil society and the family/kinship are implicated in the discourse of understanding gender position and interpersonal relationships within the Indian Family System. Though anthropological data traces the origin and growth of the Indian family, it is however, in literature and through other cultural representations that the structural composition, changes ...
Signifying the Self-Women and Literature is a collection of essays that explores the multifarious expressions of feminism in India. It is divided into five sections: women’s autobiography, writing by Dalit women of Bengal, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh; regional and global issues in women’s writing; same-sex love in women’s literature & film and the male gaze. Dealing with texts as disparate as Tagore’s early twentieth century novel Choker ...