Malati Mahajan
Showing all 7 books
There are number of works devoted to the study of the political history of almost all dynasties of Deccan. But there hardly exists any work tracing the progress of society and economy in Deccan from the period of the Satavahanas to that of the Yadavas with the help of the internal evidence from epigraphs along with archaeological, literary, sculptural, and numismatic evidence.The present project is an attempt towards achieving this end. It is based mainly on the ...
Extended from 17°49’-22 ° 34’N Latitude and from 81° 29’E-87° 29’E longitude the state of Orissa has very beautiful topography and is well equipped with all sorts of natural sources. It started its political career with the rule of the Nanda dynasty of Magadha and enjoyed the prosperous regime of the king Kharavela. After the downfall of Kharavela different dynasties ruled over the territory up to the end of twelfth century A.D. All these dynasties ...
Architecture is one of the sources for tracing the various aspect of the culture of any region and any period. In India there in no dearth of ancient architectural monuments and literature dealing with the ancient Indian architecture is also available in plenty. The scope of the subject is vast but the present work, in order to get ourselves introduced to the subject, aims at tracing peculiar characteristic features of different types of architecture that ...
Place names from inscriptions have been studied in the past for tracing the historical geography and cultural ethnography but they have rarely been taken into account along with other evidences from other sources like literature or sculpture etc. with a view to work out the cultural history of any region for a particular period. In the present work attempt has been made to remove this lacuna by corroborating and supplimenting the data obtained from place names ...
Progress ot human civilisation is closely linked up with the development of material culture which enriches the life of the people. There are, no doubt, works invistigating into the material culture of the people of a particular period or a particular region based on literature, sculpture or archaeological data independently. There, however, hardly exists any work aiming at tracing the development of material culture of India as a whole with the help of all these ...
The present work aims in tracing the cultural and historical geography of Madhya Pradesh from available place names from the inscription found in the region which have been classified in this book on the basis of prefixes and suffixes and are arranged under different heads such as topography, flora, fauna, settlement, administrative divisions, social, economic and religious conditions chronologically. The place names which have been taken here are dynasty-wise ...
The region of Chhattisgarh, geographically encompassed with hills and forests all sides, is a compact unit and is drained by many rivers. This peculiar natural set up seems to have helped in developing its culture and civilisation with its own distinct characteristics. In ancient times it seems to have been divided into two parts. While some of its northern areas along with adjacent portion of modern Orissa state formed the part of Kosala or Mahakosala and some ...