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In recent years, Australian Literature has found readership in India and emerged as a focus of research and study in Indian Universities. Moving away from the oft-ploughed fields of British and American literatures, Oz Lit is now the buzzword, with University departments across the sub continent introducing courses in Australian studies. Australian literature is now part of the curriculum in many Indian Universities either as a whole paper devoted to its study or ...
The renowned sarod maestro, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan began his career at the court of Maharaja Ummed Singh of Jodhpur, where Ramlal Mathur was associated with him as one of his earliest disciples, learning both vocal music and sitar from the Ustad in the guru-sishya parampara. His position in the Ustad's house was also that of an intimate friend and as such he was privy to certain personal and endearing moments in the Ustad's life during that time. Ramlalji was ...