Mallikarjun Patil

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This book Essays on American Literature has several chapters devoted to the chronological happenings in American literature. The first chapter is about the colonial days and then the subsequent chapters treat such seminal topics as American dream, Transcendentalism, Civil War writings, frontier literature, realism, Harlem renaissance, American criticism, American English, African American literature as much as Jewish/Asian American literatures and finally two ...
This book is about the immortal poet William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was born in 1563 in Stratford. He had little education and left for London in 1585. Kyd's Spanish Tragedy and Marlowe's Dr. Faustus inspired Shakespeare. Dominic Shellard tells by joining the new breed of theatre entrepreneurs, Shakespeare, as writer, player and shareholder, had become a total man of the theatre. The tragedies demonstrated a belief in the natural order of things and that ...
The book Mallikarjun Patil’s Lectures appears to be interesting. It is an experiment both in language and literature for our folks. People can write any form of literature, not necessarily novels and short stories. The book contains Dr Patil’s fifteen lectures delivered at different places and times in India ranging from a little theory about language, literature, culture, travel, translation and creative writing to that about immortal writers. There ...
Ernest Hemingway is a great American Novelist. He was one of the greatest living writers of his time. He is known for his adventures fishing bullfighting safari hunting and taking part in war. Hemingway was also an expert in love making and he married four times. He was an affirmative man in thinking though he was aggressive at times. Some critics compare him with Shakespeare. Hemingway lived like a continental man. Like Henry James's fiction his fiction is ...
Dr. Mallikarjun Patil’s Stories of a Campus is a book of ten short stories. Most of these stories depict certain humorous and awkward persons and situations of Pampapati University Campus, Pampapattan. This University, according to author, is fictitious. The live characters are portrayed here with their desires, faiths and failings. Some of the stories are on experimental basis. They are written in Patil’s own idiom. The wonders, gimmicks, eccentricities, ...
Two Generations is a novel in the line of fiction written by Narayan, Rao and Anand exploring the issues related to Indian psyche—way of life, style of functioning, human faiths and failings, follies and weaknesses and at the same time probing human’s selves. The novel is a family saga, which because of its morals, romance, suspense and thrill refuses to be ignored. Really, a breathtaking story.