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The volume Paradigm Shift in Indian English Literature : From Local to Global Presents a comprehensive range of the dimensions and commitments of the stream of Indian English literature covering a wide range of issues like feminism, nationalism, post-colonialism, postmodernism, gender dynamics, Dalit consciousness and eco-centric approaches to literature.
Within the social structure of India itself there had been a typical man-woman relationship in terms of dependence and support. Woman was supposed to be the other caught in the cage of native cultural ethos. But gradually, spread of education and economic independence certainly brought a change in woman’s status in society, and the Feminist movement established her as an individual. Notwithstanding, she is still a victim of patriarchal rage male domination, ...
The word 'diaspora', derived from the Greek word diaspeiro, literally means scattering or dispersion of the people from their homeland. Diasporic writing has been increasingly receiving academic and disciplinary recognition. It has emerged as a distinct literary genre. A large number of people have migrated from India to various alien lands under 'forced exiles' or 'self-imposed exiles'. Some of them have made a mark in the field of ...
New Perspectives on Indian English Writings is a collection of thirty-eight research papers on various fictionists, dramatists and poets of Indian origin. These papers, contributed by scholars and teachers of repute, study in depth the major works of the pioneers as well as emerging Indian authors, writing in English. The writers included in this volume are Kamala Markandaya, Jhumpa Lahiri, Shashi Deshpande, Nayantara Sahgal, Girish Karnad, Manju ...