Mamta Rajawat

Showing all 15 books
Scheduled Castes, as an entity are no less significant than any other fellow community in India’s society and polity. In spite of the bitter truth that a large section in our society, still takes them as the downtrodden and the most backward, at the lowest strata in our setup. In fact, they have played, are playing and would continue to play a vital role, which no one else can match. Scheduled Castes or Dalits—as they are referred to now—have a world of ...
The concept of human rights has assumed importance globally during the past few decades and has international significance as every country is subject to international scrutiny by the world body which indicts member-states for violations, while there is increasingly widespread concern for universal respect and observance of human rights, gross violation of internationally recognised norms continue unabated in almost all parts of the world. This book contains ...
Child Labour is a menace, it’s a curse, a black spot on the face of our society. Regretfully, the number of working children in our country is increasing every year and that is despite all efforts and claims made by the Government, Social Organisations and NGOs, in this regard. Various factors are responsible for this state of affairs. To a great extent, the economic compulsions of the families of these children are responsible for their plight. Ironically, ...
Kashmir, earlier famous for its heavenly beauty and scenic spots, is now ironically known for unrest, disturbance, violence and above all terrorist activities. For over a decade, Kashmiris—otherwise very peace loving and innocent folks—have suffered at the hands of militants and unlawful elements from within and outside the state. A proxy war has been going on for years now as the infiltration from across the border has not stopped despite all efforts and ...
Education is the key to success for any nation and society. In India the movement for education has come a long way. Particularly in the new millennium, it has acquired a new meaning. Now, it’s a synonym for development and progress. This study covers all the aspects of education in this country – historical background, evolution, cultivation, development, national policies and prospects for future, which makes it an exhaustive, rich and voluminous work on ...
Education is most important for a nation or a society. Only a literate community, with a sizable chunk of educated people in its fold can flourish, prosper and develop in the modern world. Education is the foundation of the structure, which the society is. On the basis of this foundation only the future of a country or a nation is largely determined and its standard is destined by the standard of education its citizens are being imparted. In India, education has ...
For centuries, Dalits were deprived of social justice in India. Only after concerted struggle waged by various social reformers from time to time, now the scene has improved somewhat. Despite many statutory provisions, the fruits could not be reapedfully. This book gives a vivid account of concept, causes, statutory provisions, supportive steps etc. of social justice for Dalits.
Women education and Social Empowerment has been an area of debate and serious concern for the last two decades. As far as India is concerned, social empowerment of women and their education have been wrangled by many social taboos. We have been witnessing ‘The Women Bill’ being tossed around on the floors of both the houses of the Parliament for a couple of years passed. This goes on to show that even the politicians, who are the people’s representatives, ...
Variously known as Shudras, Harijans, Scheduled Castes etc., the people belonging to lowest caste-hierarchy are now generally termed as Dalits. Indian society is caste-ridden. Whatever may be the causes of origin of caste system, the lowest rung of society, comprised of Dalits were subjected to torture, humiliation and exploitation of all sorts. They were treated like beasts of burden. Socio-religious factors forced them to lead a animal-like life. This book ...
Dalits or the downtrodden section of our society are a unique Indian entity. Which you do not find in any other country or nation in the world. The word, Dalit, as per Oxford Dictionary means, a member of the lowest caste, however, it is now used as a term for the Scheduled Castes in our country. Dalit is relatively a new term, while Scheduled Caste is a statutory term used for those castes, which have been included in a particular schedule in our Constitution. ...
Dalits are a part and parcel of our social fabric and the nation cannot really progress unless this vast section develops alongwith others. The Government has special plans and schemes for the upliftment of Dalits. Despite that little Despite that little improvement could be seen. This book portrays Human rights and Dalits in pros and cons. No doubt, this endeavour will prove useful for academics as well as for policy planners, administrators and social activists ...
Dalit is relatively a new term, while Scheduled Caste is a statutory term used for those castes, which have been included in a particular schedule of Indian constitution. Backed up Constitution and law of the land, the Scheduled Castes have enjoyed special privileges and easiness in various competitions. A lot has been done for their empowerment and emancipation, since Independence, yet the majority of these castes, still lag behind in many an area of life. The ...
Though as a general category, all women face the problems of discrimination and denial of natural justice. Within women also Dalit women and non-Dalit Women. Dalit women have contributed to growth and development throughout history. And even then they have remained at the lowest run of the society, lowest of the low. What has contributed to this state of affairs? Which are the forces responsible for present insecure, unstable and dehumanized status of Delit ...
As is obvious from the term itself, Dalits are the suppressed and oppressed section of our society. The Dalit movement finds its origin in the 19 century when Dalits began making concerted efforts to change their lives and Dalit aspirations began to be taken serious. This book is addressed to all crucial issues concerning development of Dalits. Supported by facts and figures, this will prove vade mecum to one and all concerned.