Showing all 6 books
Within Buddhist conceptual framework in general and in the world of Buddhist Scholarship in particular the present work is the first full-scale inquiry into the rationale of the acceptance of two important concepts in Buddhist philosophy, viz. Santana and Santanantara. In the work, the rationale of their acceptance and intricate mode of inter-relationship has been explained in great detail. And it has been argued that their acceptance paves way for (a). ...
The present work attempts to critically evaluate the Nyaya- Buddhist controversy regarding the nature and status of Nigra-hasthanas with special reference to Dharmakirti’s Vadanyaya. The standpoints of pre-Dharmakirti Nyaya philosophers concerning Nigrahasthanas is explicated and articulating Dharmakirti’s line of thinking concerning them, his criticism of Nyaya Nigrahas-thanas is given in details. Post-Dharmakirti Nyaya ...
There perhaps is already in circulation a certain kind of descriptive account of the main pillars of Buddhism, viz. Duhkha, Anatta or Nairatmya and Anityata together with superficial clue concerning interrelationship between them. However, there seems to be an utter lack of any account concerning any pillar which takes appropriate cognizance of the phenomenon of conceptual change, spells out defensible rationale of its acceptance and brings out the way it is ...
This book attempts to present, perhaps for the first time, a fairly comprehensive account of Buddhist Conception of Man, Human Emancipation and patterns of complex inter-relationship between them. It seeks to bring out major aspects of each of them, avoiding doctrinal differences and controversies among Buddhists through the history of Buddhism spread over 2500 years and more. Instead, the study highlights profound insights of the Buddhist ...
The fifteen essays on Buddhism included in this collection is a representative sample of contributions dealing with different aspects of Buddhist philosophy. Instead of merely being given to statement of facts, they refreshingly analyse various concepts, notions, doctrines, controversies etc., explain nuances and intricacies in their rationale and bring out some of their novel prominent implications. They are presented within the cover of a single book for the ...