Showing all 4 books
The volume is concerned with the importance of water as a natural resource and the need for sustainability of water resources through their proper management. The articles in the volume focus on water resources in India, They take up critical issues in water resource development in the country, the water crisis, management of water resources for inclusive growth and water shed management. Taking up the situation in specific states, they deal with management of ...
International Trade is regarded as an engine of growth. It paves the ways for the flow of goods and services. The free flow of goods and services along with the capital and labour opens the new vistas of growth and development. Multilateralism and regionalism are the twin routes of international trade through which various countries of the world try to maximize the advantages of international trade and thereby enhance the growth of their economy.
There was a ...
Poverty is the severest challenge before the mankind. Measurement and estimation of the poverty is a complex issue which has been dealt in detail by several committees but with little unanimity. So far as the eradication of poverty is concerned, neither the higher growth in GDP during the last two decades, nor the especially anchored poverty alleviation programme could provide the desired results. Various approaches such as Growth mediated approach, capability ...
Papers presented at the 91st Annual Conference of the Indian Economic Association, held at Udaipur during 27-29 December 2008.