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Globalization has been a burning topic since the past two decades. It has important bearing on growth, structural and demographic changes in the developing countries. In this context, this book examines the relationship of globalization and economic development and their correlates at four points of time, i.e. in early eighties, early nineties, early 2K and in the recent past and also constructs alternative measures of economic development in this context, ...
Establishment and management of silvopasture on degraded lands has been found to increase the productivity, soil and moisture conservation, soil fertility, and besides these amelioration of microclimate of the area. The present book deals with different components of silvopastural system in arid and semi-arid regions, their interactions, management and economic analysis. Five case studies dealing with silvopastural systems in arid and semi-arid zones have also ...
Situation of women in the world in general and in Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal in particular, is not very satisfactory. In most of the Asian countries, the culture of patriarchy is deeply entrenched and gender biases are perpetuated by men and women as a part of the social order. There is rampant poverty, unemployment, ill health, violence, widespread exclusion and discrimination in all walks of life. Even the basic minimum needs ...
Violence takes any forms and is understood differently in different countries and among different cultures. There are wars between nations for expansion of territory and for the control of natural resources. There are wars within nations. Violence is engineered by state against its citizens and instigated by religious denominations. There is violence perpetuated by the ideologies of racism, sexism, and classism. Violence knows no boundaries and is widely ...