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The volume contains revised and edited papers presented at the 77th Session of the Indian philosophical Congress held at Udaipur in 2002. Besides perennial philosophical problems, they discuss such vital contemporary issues as terrorism, violence, religious conversion, environmental ethics, peace, social justice, cultural integration, etc. The volume is divided into five sections. The first section contains six papers on logic and scientific method. The second ...
The volume has a two-fold purpose: (i) to acquaint the Indian readers and academic community with some prominent trends in hermeneutics and text interpretation coming from veteran and young scholars in the field and (ii) to create an interest in the current research undertaken by Indian scholars in the field of philosophy and allied disciplines. This is deemed important because hermeneutics, though established in the West, is still in its infancy in the academic ...
The Present book highlights the importance of verbal testimony (sabdapramana’s) in Indian Epistemology, Knowledge from trusted telling, eternality of word and its meaning, its non-reducibility to inference, philosophical significance of praiseworthy sentence, limits of sruti as a Pramana perceptual cognition generated through verbal testimony, notion of aptatva, etc. these issues are freshly interpreted by a team of scholars who are engaged in research on this ...
The volume contains revised and edited papers presented at the 78th Session of the Indian Philosophy Congress held at Muzaffarpur, Bihar. They discuss perennial and modern philosophical problems. The volume is divided into five sections. The first section contains five papers on history of philosophy. The second section contains two papers on logic and scientific method. The third section, comprising 13 papers, focuses on metaphysics and epistemology. The fourth ...