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Amanaskayoga is a text on layayoga which gives valuable technique of laya to transcend the mundane world which it considers to be a fancy projection of the mind. Since this visible world is beset with changes, inconsistency and therefore forms the very bedrock of unending suffering and pain, it should ideally be transcended by all means. The cause of world any misery is one's own mind which one can overcome through the method of laya as suggested in this text. ...
Dattatreyayogashastram, as the name suggests, comes from the teachings of Lord Dattatreya, one of the most prominent of the Divine Masters.
This text suggest a clear-cut pathway of practice to achive the highest goal of human endevour within a specified timeframe. Thus it is free from distractions by not suggesting too many options on each and every segment and stages of practices.
Physical stability achieved through practice of padmasana is effective enough to ...
The very utterance of the name of Shri Gorakshanatha brings alive before our eyes the image of a giant personality who transformed the life of contemporary Indian masses and inspired them to follow the path of goodness, not only through his knowledge, but his own life and character.
The mini text entitled Amritavakyam is a collection of the preachings of Shri Gorakshanatha, written in Sanskrit. Scholars of the past and present who studied and researched Natha ...
Mandalabrahmanopanisad and Nada-bindupanished signify a highly integrated practical effort made by the ancient Yogis by shredding all bias towards a particular philosophical opinion, idea or doctrine. It reaffirms that quest for TRUTH is urgent and imminent.
To achieve this objective Mandala-brahmanopanisad suggests taraka, laksya, amanaska, jyotih, drsti, sambhavi, pranava, sanmukhamudra etc.
Nadabindupanisad (or Omkaropanisad) describes various aspects of ...
Tradition of yoga has explored all possibilities to live a healthy long life. Be it power of mind, balancing of emotions, internal and external cleansing of body, stretching of muscles, manipulation of breath, repetition of mantra, invocation of divinity, herbs, diet regimen, alchemy, position visualization, attitudinal training, living close to nature tradition of Yoga has left no avenue untouched within human intelligence or imagination to achieve ...
Through this small compilation work, a humble attempt has been made to establish a link of the various theories on the process of evolution as found in different systems of Yoga and especially Hathayoga, to their lineage to the olden Vaidika scriptures, thus lending perhaps a much needed validity. It is expected that this will throw some light on how various theories have been evolved and expanded with variegated Colours and shades in a long time of history. ...