A bold expose of the contemporary Indian political scene that has cast aside morality and ethics and unfailingly betrays public trust for vested interests and private ends. The novel opens with the death of Bisesar—an unknown village youth—in itself an insignificant event. But with an important by-election around the corner, the feasting begins as opposing political parties like vultures seize upon the unfortunate event to extract political capital out of it, ...
Mannu Bhandari's writing disproves the myth that acceptance of a literary work by a wider readership is necessarily at the cost of its artistic qualities. Hailed by the most exacting and factitious critics as a monumental work on the theme of a child?s alienation from his parents and environment, Mannu Bhandari?s Bunty has already run into several editions and is still one of the ten bestsellers in Hindi. One of the best novels written in the ...