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Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Courage and an insatiable urge to go where no man has gone before. Here are the people who widened horizons, geographical as well as intellectual. From the discovery of the New World to the pushing of ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Delving into the complex yet fascinating mind of man, these profiles of the great minds of the ages present the systems, philosophies and theories that make up the very reason and purpose of thought. From the ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Meet the saints and other spiritual guides who have nurtured and developed their essence for the benefit of the human race. Whether it is Prince Siddharth, who renounced the world to seek salvation as Buddha, ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. From Alexander the Great to Napolean Bonaparte, from Genghis Khan to Julius Caesar, the Great Military Leaders changed the course of history and shaped the geopolitical reality across the centuries. Great ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. The truly great ones. Those men who laid the foundation of nations and ensured the sovereignty and prosperity of their people, for generations to come. The very core of history. From Abu Bakr to Emil Zapata, ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Inspiring profiles of all those whose actions, ideas, initiatives and vision have been the core of a nation's development - economic, political, social. Administering steering and shaping the affairs of the ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Inspiring portraits of the true geniuses of the science world. Men of brilliance, unrelenting dedication and outstanding vision. From eradication of small-pox to the fight against AIDS, from the invention of ...
There are many famous women around the world, who have excelled in the fields of arts and literature, politics and governance and also in the field of science and inventions. Shoulder to shoulder with great men here are the women who proved conclusively that their achievements can be ranked among the most important and significant events in the course of human development whether it is the struggle for equality, emancipation or the service of mankind through ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. The world of art, literature, music, painting and dance comes alive with these inspiring pictures of the most creative and beautiful minds of all times, playing with words of many colours and meanings. ...
Whether it is the large and lofty ambition of conquest and empire, or whether it is the great creative spirit of human kind expressed in literature, art, music and dance, all these are expressions of the same genius that belongs only to species known as man. Society’s idols, icons and trendsetters – in popular expressions such as pop music, film, theatre, fashion and cuisine. Engrossing lives of fascinating people. These are much more than the local page ...