Meenu Agrawal

Showing all 17 books
According to 2011 census, rural population was 68.8 percent of the total population of India. The rural population is scattered across 6 lakh villages. Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India, is the nodal agency for rural development in India. It co-ordinates, implements and funds schemes which aim at ensuring that the fruits of economic development reach the villages and the common man. Marketing is the most important function for the success ...
The present age may be called as the 'age of advertisements'. In every walk of life we come in contact with advertisements in some or the other way. The impact of advertisements on our buying decisions is widespread. it has influenced the buying behaviour of both urban and rural consumers. Undoubtedly, advertisements have played an important role in educating the consumers, which in turn has changed their behaviour. The advertisement which gives the true picture ...
Since the initiation of economic reforms in 1991, India's integration into the world economy has been remarkably rapid. Hence, India's economy cannot remain insulated from global economic trends. Beginning in September 2008, the Indian economy came under pressure, owing to the effects of the global financial crisis which later turned into an economic recession in most developed countries of the world. The contagion was initially felt in ...
Empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in our society in recent times. The economic empowerment of women is being regarded these days as a sine-qua-non of progress for a country, hence the issue of economic empowerment of women is of paramount importance to political thinkers, social scientists and reformers, women activists, politicians, academicians and administrators. The book is a sincere effort to explain and analyse the multifaceted and ...
The process of development coupled with increasing liberalization and globalisation across the country has enabled consumers to realize their increasingly important role in society and governance. The consumer movement in India is as old as trade and commerce. In Kautilya’s Arthashastra, there are references to the concept of consumer protection against exploitation by the trade and industry, short weighment and measures, adulteration, and punishment for these ...
Women in India have played an important part in our social life and in our history. They have played this part in every branch of national activity from high learning to velour on the battlefield. But it is their unobtrusive work in the household, in the village or in the larger community that has moulded this nation. Today, we pass rapidly through various phases of transition. The rapid changes, however, have not uprooted us from our old ...
Poverty and unemployment are the two most formidable problems of the Indian economy. Employment generation has been an important objective of development planning in India. Though employment opportunities have increased over the years, growth of population and labour force has aggravated the unemployment problem year after year. The achievement of employment-for-all objective is nowhere in sight. Due to lack of employment opportunities, millions of people still ...
Globalization has become both a slogan and a useful historical and analytical concept. To some, it is an inescapable and primarily benign process of global economic integration, in which countries increasingly drop border restrictions on the flow of capital, goods and services. 'Globalization' is shorthand for a technologically mediated coup by economic elites and political conservatives to create a 'new world order' based more on private corporate control than ...
'Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance' in developing countries economic growth can mainly be enhanced by a science and technology policy. However, science and technology can play their role in development only when the integrity of the whole enterprise-research institutions, universities, publications research priorities and emphasis and the education of creative scientists, as well as those active in science in preserved. Thus, the simplest ...