Showing all 4 books
At the 1978 international conference on primary health care, the Alma Ata Declaration made 'health for all' a universal goal. However, the health goals of the vulnerable and marginalized groups have been largely unmet in India. Despite the launch of Millennium Development Goals at the global level and several health reforms at the national level, the health outcomes are far from being satisfactory. The out-of-pocket expenditure on medical care is, perhaps, the ...
The onslaughts of health hazards in the form of STIs/STDs/HIV/AIDS have created new threats for all human societies transgressing the boundaries of the East or the West. The spread of these complications, which are sexually communicable, depend upon socio-economic environment, ecological patterns, cultural ethos, religious sanctions, sexual preferences, clinical or medical orientations, physical mobility, migration patterns and other family, marriage and ...
Despite the long standing commitment to "Health for All", enormous health anomalies continue to prevail among Indian masses. Problems related to judicious distribution of healthcare facilities are many: unequal access to healthcare facilities, limited attention to preventive methods, and profit orientation of the agencies involved are few among them. Rural and tribal communities, being the most marginalized in developmental context, are the worst ...