Showing all 3 books
Music to thy Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music is a modest attempt to assess the life and contribution of about thirty personalities who have devoted their life-time to the creation, enrichment and propagation of Hindustani instrumental music primarily through performance, teaching and research. The author tries to present profiles of these personalities whom he had seen, heard, met and known on friendly terms, over the years in a ...
This work does not purport to be a biography in the strictly conventional sense of the term, but a modest attempt to evaluate the contribution of Bal Gandharva to the enrichment of the tradition of Marathi musical drama in particular and Indian music in general. BAL GANDHARVA (1888-1967) who reigned supreme in in the world of the Marathi musical drama for almost half a century, was born as Narayan shripad Rajhans in a middle-class Brahmin family. Endowed with a ...
A collector's volume with rare photographs of artists, this work is a minefield of information for the musically inclined. The tradition of classical music in India goes back many centuries. A rich and developed art form, it has two main categories, Hindustani and Carnatic, belonging respectively to the North and South of India. Within them they contain a plethora of artists, instruments and styles of both vocal and instrumental music. This work highlights ...